PikaShow for TV FREE Download Lastest Version 2024

Pikashow gives you the freedom to sitting in front of the TV to enjoy movies and shows. but lots of people still prefer to love the big-screen experience whether live cricket streaming from different leagues or, showbiz awards. That’s why there’s a growing interest in finding simple ways to stream PikaShow right on their TVs.

Pikashow For Tv

App Name

Pikashow for Tv








Android Support


Pikashow Team




44M Above

Steps to Install PikaShow on an Android Smart TV

Enable Installation from Unknown Sources:

  • Navigate to the Settings menu on your Smart TV.
  • Scroll down to Security & Restrictions.
  • Toggle on the option to allow the installation of apps from Unknown Sources.

1. Download PikaShow APK:

  • Open the web browser on your Smart TV.
  • Search for the PikaShow APK download link. Ensure you use a trusted and secure source to avoid the risk of malware.
  • Download the APK file to your TV.

2. Install a File Manager (if needed):

  • If your TV doesn’t have a file manager, visit the Google Play Store and download one that is compatible with your TV.
  • Install the file manager app.

3. Install PikaShow:

  • Open the file manager app.
  • Navigate to the Downloads folder or wherever your browser saved the APK file.
  • Click on the PikaShow APK file to install it. You may need to grant the file manager permission to install apps.

4. Launch PikaShow:

  • Once the installation is complete, return to your TV’s home screen.
  • Open the app drawer and find the PikaShow app.
  • Click on it to launch the app.

5. Start Streaming:

  • Within the PikaShow app, browse through the available content.
  • Select the movie, TV show, or live TV channel you want to watch.
  • Enjoy streaming on your Android Smart TV.

Important Considerations:

  • App Updates: Since PikaShow is not available through the Google Play Store, it won’t update automatically. You’ll need to manually download and install updates from the source you got the app.
  • Internet Connection: Make sure your Smart TV is connected to a stable internet connection for smooth streaming.
  • Security: Be very cautious about the sources from which you download the APK file. Only use trusted websites to avoid the risk of malware.
  • Compatibility: Some Smart TVs might have compatibility issues with third-party apps. If PikaShow doesn’t work properly on your TV, consider using a streaming device as an alternative.

Install Pikashow using a Streaming Device

For Amazon Firestick:

For Google Chromecast:

Install Pikashow using Screen Mirroring

Install Pikashow using Screen Mirroring through Android devices on smart Android TV

Step 1: Prepare Your Android Smart TV

  1. Turn on your Android Smart TV and make sure it’s connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your Android mobile device.

Step 2: Enable Screen Mirroring on Your Android Device

Step 3: Open PikaShow on Your Android Device

Install Pikashow Using screen Mirroring through iOS on smart Android TV

Step 1: Install an AirPlay Receiver App on Your Android TV

Step 2: Connect Your iOS Device to Your Android TV

Step 3: Open PikaShow on Your iOS Device

  • Performance: Screen mirroring is dependent on a stable Wi-Fi connection. For the best experience, ensure that both devices have a strong signal and minimal network interference.
  • Quality: The resolution of the mirrored content may vary based on your device’s capabilities and the compatibility with the receiver app.
  • Battery Usage: Screen mirroring can drain your iOS device’s battery quickly, so consider plugging it into a charger while mirroring.

Install PikaShow On MI TV Stick

Step 1: Enable Installation from Unknown Sources

  • Go to Settings on your MI TV Stick.
  • Scroll down and select Device Preferences.
  • Choose Security & Restrictions.
  • Toggle on the option to Allow Unknown Sources for the browser or file manager you will use to download the APK.

Step 2: Download the PikaShow APK

  • Open the browser on your MI TV Stick (you might need to install a browser like Google Chrome from the Play Store if you haven’t already).
  • Next, navigate to the Home Menu and Click on the URL Bar
  • Type https://pikashowguru.com and click Go.
  • Download the APK file.

Step 3: Install a File Manager

  • Go to the Google Play Store on your MI TV Stick.
  • Search for a file manager like File Commander or X-plore File Manager.
  • Install the file manager.

Step 4: Install PikaShow

  • Open the file manager you installed.
  • Navigate to the Downloads folder or wherever you downloaded the PikaShow APK.
  • Click on the APK file to start the installation process.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install PikaShow.

Step 5: Open PikaShow

  • After installation, go back to the home screen of your MI TV Stick.
  • You should see PikaShow in your list of apps. If not, check the App Drawer where all installed apps appear.

Features of PikaShow for TV

  • Extensive Content Library: PikaShow provides a rich collection of entertainment options, including the latest movies, popular TV series, documentaries, and more. Whether you’re in the mood for a blockbuster film or a binge-worthy show, PikaShow has you covered.
  • High-Definition Streaming: The app supports streaming in high definition, ensuring that you can enjoy your favorite shows and movies with crystal-clear picture quality. This feature is particularly beneficial when watching on larger TV screens where resolution plays a significant role in the viewing experience.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Navigating through the app on your TV is a breeze, thanks to its user-friendly design. The interface is optimized for larger displays, making it easy to browse through categories, search for specific titles, and select what you want to watch with just a few clicks of your remote.
  • Broad Compatibility: PikaShow is compatible with a range of Smart TV models, which means that many users can download and install the app directly on their TVs without needing additional hardware.
  • Frequent Updates: The app’s content library is regularly updated to include new releases and to ensure that users have access to the latest entertainment. Additionally, the app itself may receive updates to improve functionality and add new features.
  • Cost-Free Entertainment: Unlike many streaming services that require a monthly subscription, PikaShow is free to use. This feature is particularly appealing for those who want to enjoy a wide array of content without the commitment of recurring payments.
  • Casting Feature: For those who do not have a Smart TV or prefer to control their viewing experience from their mobile device, PikaShow offers the ability to cast content from a smartphone or tablet directly to the TV screen, provided you have a compatible casting device like Google Chromecast.
  • Diverse Language Support: Recognizing the diversity of its user base, PikaShow includes content in multiple languages. This inclusivity ensures that users from different linguistic backgrounds can find and enjoy content in their preferred language.


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